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# [Python pygame Game] 4 Beats
# made by "PrintedLove"
# https://printed.tistory.com/
# This game was created with reference to ParkJuneWoo(korca0220)'s [Finding-the-Rabbit]
#-*-coding: utf-8
import pygame as pg
import os, time, random
TITLE = "4 Beats" ### default setting
WIDTH = 640
HEIGHT = 480
FPS = 60
DEFAULT_FONT = "NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.otf"
WHITE = (238, 238, 238) ### color setting
BLACK = (32, 36, 32)
RED = (246, 36, 74)
BLUE = (32, 105, 246)
class Game:
def __init__(self): ########################## Game Start
pg.mixer.init() #sound mixer
pg.display.set_caption(TITLE) #title name
self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) #screen size
self.screen_mode = 0 #screen mode (0: logo, 1: logo2, 2: main, 3: stage select, 4: play, 5: score)
self.screen_value = [-ALPHA_MAX, 0, 0, 0] #screen management value
self.clock = pg.time.Clock() #FPS timer
self.start_tick = 0 #game timer
self.running = True #game initialize Boolean value
self.language_mode = 0 #0: english, 1: korean, 2~: custom
self.song_select = 1 #select song
self.load_date() #data loading
pg.mixer.music.load(self.bg_main) #bgm
def load_date(self): ########################## Data Loading
self.dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
### font
self.fnt_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, 'font')
self.gameFont = os.path.join(self.fnt_dir, DEFAULT_FONT)
with open(os.path.join(self.fnt_dir, 'language.ini'), "r", encoding = 'UTF-8') as language_file:
language_lists = language_file.read().split('\n')
self.language_list = [n.split("_") for n in language_lists]
### image
self.img_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, 'image')
pg.display.set_icon(pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'icon.png'))) #set icon
self.spr_printed = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'printed.png'))
self.spr_logoback = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'logoback.png'))
self.spr_logo = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'logo.png'))
self.spr_circle = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'circle.png'))
self.spr_shot = Spritesheet(os.path.join(self.img_dir, 'shot.png'))
### sound
self.snd_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, 'sound')
self.bg_main = os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'bg_main.ogg')
self.sound_click = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'click.ogg'))
self.sound_drum1 = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'drum1.ogg'))
self.sound_drum2 = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'drum2.ogg'))
self.sound_drum3 = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'drum3.ogg'))
self.sound_drum4 = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.snd_dir, 'drum4.ogg'))
### song
self.sng_dir = os.path.join(self.dir, 'song')
music_type = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav"]
song_lists = [i for i in os.listdir(self.sng_dir) if i.split('.')[-1] in music_type]
self.song_list = list() # song name list
self.song_path = list() # song path list
for song in song_lists:
pg.mixer.music.load(os.path.join(self.sng_dir, song))
self.song_path.append(os.path.join(self.sng_dir, song))
print("error: " + str(song) + "is unsupported format music file.")
self.song_num = len(self.song_list) # available song number
self.song_dataPath = list() # song data file path list
self.song_highScore = list() # song highscore list
self.song_perfectScore = list() # song maxscore list
for song in self.song_list:
song_dataCoord = os.path.join(self.sng_dir, song + ".ini")
with open(song_dataCoord, "r", encoding = 'UTF-8') as song_file:
song_scoreList = song_file.read().split('\n')[0]
print("error: " + str(song) + "'s song data file is damaged or does not exist.")
def new(self): ########################## Game Initialize
self.song_data = list() #song data list
self.song_dataLen = 0 #song data len
self.song_dataIndex = 0 #song data index
self.circle_dir = 1 #circle direction value (benchmark: white / down, right, up, left == 1, 2, 3, 4)
self.circle_rot = 0 #circle rotation value
self.score = 0 #current game score
self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() #sprite group
self.shots = pg.sprite.Group()
def run(self): ########################## Game Loop
self.playing = True
while self.playing:
def update(self): ########################## Game Loop - Update
self.all_sprites.update() #screen update
self.game_tick = pg.time.get_ticks() - self.start_tick #play time calculation
def events(self): ########################## Game Loop - Events
mouse_coord = pg.mouse.get_pos() #mouse coord value
mouse_move = False #mouse move Boolean value
mouse_click = 0 #mouse click value (1: left, 2: scroll, 3: right, 4: scroll up, 5: scroll down)
key_click = 0 #key value (275: right, 276: left, 273: up, 274: down, 13: enter)
for event in pg.event.get(): ### Event Check
if event.type == pg.QUIT: #exit
if self.playing:
self.playing, self.running = False, False
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: #keyboard check
key_click = event.key
if self.screen_mode < 4:
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION:
if event.rel[0] != 0 or event.rel[1] != 0: #mousemove
mouse_move = True
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #mouse click
mouse_click = event.button
if self.screen_mode < 4:
if self.screen_mode == 0: ### Logo Screen1
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 51
if self.screen_value[0] == ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] = 0
self.screen_mode = 1
pg.mixer.music.play(loops = -1)
elif self.screen_mode == 1: ### Logo Screen2
if self.screen_value[3] == 0:
if self.screen_value[0] < ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 51
if mouse_click == 1 or key_click != 0:
self.screen_value[3] = 1
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
self.screen_mode = 2
self.screen_value[1] = 2
self.screen_value[2] = 0
self.screen_value[3] = 0
if self.screen_value[1] > -10:
self.screen_value[1] -= 1
if self.screen_value[2] == 0:
self.screen_value[1] = random.randrange(0, 10)
self.screen_value[2] = random.randrange(5, 30)
self.screen_value[2] -= 1
elif self.screen_mode == 2: ### Main Screen
if self.screen_value[2] == 0:
if self.screen_value[0] < ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 15
if self.screen_value[3] > 0:
self.screen_value[3] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
for i in range(4):
if mouse_move and 400 < mouse_coord[0] < 560 and 105 + i*70 < mouse_coord[1] < 155 + i*70: #mouse cursor check
self.screen_value[1] = i + 1
if (key_click == 273 or mouse_click == 4) and self.screen_value[1] > 1: #key up check
self.screen_value[1] -= 1
elif (key_click == 274 or mouse_click == 5) and self.screen_value[1] < 4: #key down check
self.screen_value[1] += 1
if (mouse_click == 1 or key_click == 13 or key_click == 275): #click or key enter, key right check
if self.screen_value[1] == 1: #START
self.screen_value[2] = 1
elif self.screen_value[1] == 2: #HELP
self.screen_value[0] = ALPHA_MAX / 3
self.screen_value[2] = 2
elif self.screen_value[1] == 3: #EXIT
self.screen_value[2] = 3
else: #Languague
self.language_mode = self.language_mode + 1 if self.language_mode < len(self.language_list) - 1 else 0
self.gameFont = os.path.join(self.fnt_dir, self.load_language(1))
elif self.screen_value[2] == 1:
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
self.screen_mode = 3
self.screen_value[1] = 0
self.screen_value[2] = 0
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] == -1:
pg.mixer.music.load(self.song_path[self.song_select - 1])
pg.mixer.music.play(loops = -1)
elif self.screen_value[2] == 2:
if mouse_click == 1 or key_click != 0:
self.screen_value[2] = 0
elif self.screen_value[2] == 3:
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
self.playing, self.running = False, False
elif self.screen_mode == 3: ### Song Select Screen
if self.screen_value[2] == 0:
if self.screen_value[0] < ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 15
self.screen_value[1] = 0
songChange = False
if round(0.31 * WIDTH - 75) < mouse_coord[0] < round(0.31 * WIDTH + 75): #mouse coord check
if round(0.125 * HEIGHT + 30) > mouse_coord[1]:
self.screen_value[1] = 1
elif round(0.875 * HEIGHT - 30) < mouse_coord[1]:
self.screen_value[1] = 2
elif round(0.69 * WIDTH - 75) < mouse_coord[0] < round(0.69 * WIDTH + 75) and round(HEIGHT / 2 + 25) < mouse_coord[1] < round(HEIGHT / 2 + 65):
self.screen_value[1] = 3
elif round(0.73 * WIDTH - 75) < mouse_coord[0] < round(0.73 * WIDTH + 75) and round(HEIGHT / 2 + 85) < mouse_coord[1] < round(HEIGHT / 2 + 125):
self.screen_value[1] = 4
if (mouse_click == 1): #mouse clickcheck
if self.screen_value[1] == 1:
if self.song_select > 1:
self.song_select -= 1
songChange = True
elif self.screen_value[1] == 2:
if self.song_select < self.song_num:
self.song_select += 1
songChange = True
elif self.screen_value[1] == 3:
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] != -1:
self.screen_value[2] = 1
elif self.screen_value[1] == 4:
self.screen_value[2] = 2
elif key_click == 273 or mouse_click == 4: #key check
if self.song_select > 1:
self.song_select -= 1
songChange = True
elif key_click == 274 or mouse_click == 5:
if self.song_select < self.song_num:
self.song_select += 1
songChange = True
elif key_click == 275 or key_click == 13:
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] != -1:
self.screen_value[2] = 1
elif key_click == 276:
self.screen_value[2] = 2
if songChange:
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] == -1:
pg.mixer.music.load(self.song_path[self.song_select - 1])
pg.mixer.music.play(loops = -1)
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
if self.screen_value[2] == 1:
self.screen_mode = 4
self.screen_value[1] = 0
self.screen_value[2] = 0
self.start_tick = pg.time.get_ticks()
self.screen_mode = 2
self.screen_value[1] = 0
self.screen_value[2] = 0
self.screen_value[3] = ALPHA_MAX
pg.mixer.music.play(loops = -1)
elif self.screen_mode == 4: ### Play Screen
if self.screen_value[1] == 0:
if self.screen_value[0] < ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 15
if (mouse_click == 1): #mouse clickcheck
if mouse_coord[0] < WIDTH / 2:
self.circle_dir += 1
self.circle_dir -= 1
elif key_click == 276: #key check
self.circle_dir += 1
elif key_click == 275:
self.circle_dir -= 1
if self.circle_dir > 4: #circle direction management
self.circle_dir = 1
elif self.circle_dir < 1:
self.circle_dir = 4
rotToDir = (self.circle_dir - 1) * 90 #circle rotation management
if self.circle_rot != rotToDir:
if self.circle_rot >= rotToDir:
if self.circle_rot >= 270 and rotToDir == 0:
self.circle_rot += 15
self.circle_rot -= 15
if self.circle_rot == 0 and rotToDir == 270:
self.circle_rot = 345
self.circle_rot += 15
if self.circle_rot < 0:
self.circle_rot = 345
elif self.circle_rot > 345:
self.circle_rot = 0
self.create_shot() #create shot
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 85
self.screen_mode = 5
self.screen_value[1] = 0
else: ### Score Screen
if self.screen_value[1] == 0:
if self.screen_value[0] < ALPHA_MAX:
self.screen_value[0] += ALPHA_MAX / 15
if mouse_move:
if round(WIDTH / 2 - 160) < mouse_coord[0] < round(WIDTH / 2 - 40) and round(HEIGHT / 2 + 110) < mouse_coord[1] < round(HEIGHT / 2 + 170):
self.screen_value[2] = 1
elif round(WIDTH / 2 + 40) < mouse_coord[0] < round(WIDTH / 2 + 160) and round(HEIGHT / 2 + 110) < mouse_coord[1] < round(HEIGHT / 2 + 170):
self.screen_value[2] = 2
if (mouse_click == 1): #mouse clickcheck
self.screen_value[1] = self.screen_value[2]
elif key_click == 276 or mouse_click == 4: #key check
self.screen_value[2] = 1
elif key_click == 275 or mouse_click == 5:
self.screen_value[2] = 2
elif key_click == 13:
self.screen_value[1] = self.screen_value[2]
if self.screen_value[0] > 0:
self.screen_value[0] -= ALPHA_MAX / 15
if self.screen_value[1] == 1:
self.screen_mode = 3
self.screen_mode = 4
self.start_tick = pg.time.get_ticks()
self.screen_value[1] = 0
self.screen_value[2] = 0
def draw(self): ########################## Game Loop - Draw
self.background = pg.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) #white background
self.background = self.background.convert()
self.screen.blit(self.background, (0,0))
self.draw_screen() #draw screen
def draw_screen(self): # Draw Screen
screen_alpha = self.screen_value[0]
if self.screen_mode == 0: #logo screen1
screen_alpha = ALPHA_MAX - min(max(self.screen_value[0], 0), ALPHA_MAX)
self.draw_sprite(((WIDTH - 454) / 2, (HEIGHT - 79) / 2), self.spr_printed, screen_alpha)
elif self.screen_mode == 1: #logo screen2
self.spr_logoback.set_alpha(screen_alpha) if self.screen_value[3] == 0 else self.spr_logoback.set_alpha(ALPHA_MAX)
self.screen.blit(self.spr_logoback, (0, 0))
spr_logoRescale = pg.transform.scale(self.spr_logo, (301 + self.screen_value[1], 306 + self.screen_value[1]))
self.draw_sprite(((WIDTH - self.screen_value[1]) / 2, 40 - self.screen_value[1] / 2), spr_logoRescale, screen_alpha)
elif self.screen_mode == 2: #main screen
select_index = [True if self.screen_value[1] == i + 1 else False for i in range(4)]
if self.screen_value[2] == 0:
self.draw_sprite((0, 0), self.spr_logoback, ALPHA_MAX - self.screen_value[3])
logoback_coord = 0 if self.screen_value[2] == 2 else round((screen_alpha - ALPHA_MAX) / 10)
self.screen.blit(self.spr_logoback, (logoback_coord, 0))
if self.screen_value[2] == 2:
help_surface = pg.Surface((WIDTH - 60, HEIGHT - 60))
self.screen.blit(help_surface, pg.Rect(30, 30, 0, 0))
self.draw_text("- " + self.load_language(5) + " -", 36, BLACK, 320, 50, 255)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(9), 16, BLACK, 320, 150)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(10), 16, BLACK, 320, 220)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(11), 16, BLACK, 320, 290)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(2), 36, BLACK, 480, 105, screen_alpha, select_index[0])
self.draw_text(self.load_language(3), 36, BLACK, 480, 175, screen_alpha, select_index[1])
self.draw_text(self.load_language(4), 36, BLACK, 480, 245, screen_alpha, select_index[2])
self.draw_text(self.load_language(0), 24, BLACK, 480, 315, screen_alpha, select_index[3])
elif self.screen_mode == 3: #song select screen
surface = pg.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
surface.set_alpha(max(screen_alpha - 50, 0))
circle_coord = (round(WIDTH * 1.2), round(HEIGHT / 2))
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLACK, circle_coord, round(0.78 * WIDTH + screen_alpha), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLACK, circle_coord, round(0.32 * WIDTH + screen_alpha), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLACK, circle_coord, max(round(-0.1 * WIDTH + screen_alpha), 1), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, RED, circle_coord, max(round(-0.12 * WIDTH + screen_alpha), 1), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLUE, circle_coord, max(round(-0.08 * WIDTH + screen_alpha), 1), 1)
self.screen.blit(surface, (0,0))
if self.song_select > 2:
self.draw_text(self.song_list[self.song_select - 3], 16, BLACK, 0.29 * WIDTH, 0.25 * HEIGHT - 20, max(screen_alpha - 220, 0))
if self.song_select > 1:
self.draw_text(self.song_list[self.song_select - 2], 18, BLACK, 0.27 * WIDTH, 0.375 * HEIGHT - 20, max(screen_alpha - 180, 0))
self.draw_text(self.song_list[self.song_select - 1], 24, BLACK, 0.25 * WIDTH, 0.5 * HEIGHT - 20, screen_alpha)
if self.song_select < self.song_num:
self.draw_text(self.song_list[self.song_select], 18, BLACK, 0.27 * WIDTH, 0.625 * HEIGHT - 20, max(screen_alpha - 180, 0))
if self.song_select < self.song_num - 1:
self.draw_text(self.song_list[self.song_select + 1], 16, BLACK, 0.29 * WIDTH, 0.75 * HEIGHT - 20, max(screen_alpha - 220, 0))
button_songUp = '▲' if self.screen_value[1] == 1 else '△'
button_songDown = '▼' if self.screen_value[1] == 2 else '▽'
select_index = [True if self.screen_value[1] == i + 3 else False for i in range(2)]
self.draw_text(button_songUp, 24, BLACK, 0.31 * WIDTH, 0.125 * HEIGHT - 20, screen_alpha)
self.draw_text(button_songDown, 24, BLACK, 0.31 * WIDTH, 0.875 * HEIGHT - 30, screen_alpha)
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] == -1:
self.draw_text(self.load_language(12), 32, RED, 0.71 * WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2 - 100, screen_alpha)
if self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] >= self.song_perfectScore[self.song_select - 1]:
font = pg.font.Font(self.gameFont, 36)
font = pg.font.Font(os.path.join(self.fnt_dir, DEFAULT_FONT), 36)
cleartext_surface = font.render(self.load_language(14), False, BLUE)
rotated_surface = pg.transform.rotate(cleartext_surface, 25)
rotated_surface.set_alpha(max(screen_alpha - 180, 0))
cleartext_rect = rotated_surface.get_rect()
cleartext_rect.midtop = (round(0.71 * WIDTH), round(HEIGHT / 2 - 150))
self.screen.blit(rotated_surface, cleartext_rect)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(8), 28, BLACK, 0.69 * WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2 - 130, screen_alpha)
self.draw_text(str(self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1]), 28, BLACK, 0.69 * WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2 - 70, screen_alpha)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(7), 32, BLACK, 0.69 * WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2 + 25, screen_alpha, select_index[0])
self.draw_text(self.load_language(6), 32, BLACK, 0.73 * WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2 + 85, screen_alpha, select_index[1])
elif self.screen_mode == 4: #play screen
surface = pg.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
surface.set_alpha(max(screen_alpha - 240, 0))
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLACK, (round(WIDTH / 2), round(HEIGHT / 2)), 200, 1)
self.screen.blit(surface, (0,0))
self.draw_sprite(((WIDTH - 99) / 2, (HEIGHT - 99) / 2), self.spr_circle, screen_alpha, self.circle_rot)
time_m = self.game_tick // 60000
time_s = str(round(self.game_tick / 1000) - time_m * 60)
if (len(time_s) == 1):
time_s = "0" + time_s
time_str = str(time_m) + " : " + time_s
score_str = self.load_language(13) + " : " + str(self.score)
self.draw_text(time_str, 24, BLACK, 10 + len(time_str) * 6, 15, screen_alpha)
self.draw_text(score_str, 24, BLACK, WIDTH - 10 - len(score_str) * 6, 15, screen_alpha)
surface = pg.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
surface.set_alpha(max(screen_alpha - 50, 0))
circle_coord = (round(WIDTH / 2), round(HEIGHT / 2))
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLUE, circle_coord, round(HEIGHT / 2 - 30), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, BLACK, circle_coord, round(HEIGHT / 2), 1)
pg.draw.circle(surface, RED, circle_coord, round(HEIGHT / 2 + 30), 1)
self.screen.blit(surface, (0,0))
self.draw_text(self.load_language(15) + " : " + str(self.song_perfectScore[self.song_select - 1]), 32, BLACK, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 65, screen_alpha)
self.draw_text(self.load_language(13) + " : " + str(self.score), 32, BLACK, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 5, screen_alpha)
select_index = [True if self.screen_value[2] == i + 1 else False for i in range(2)]
self.draw_text(self.load_language(17), 24, BLACK, WIDTH / 2 - 100, HEIGHT / 2 + 125, ALPHA_MAX, select_index[0])
self.draw_text(self.load_language(16), 24, BLACK, WIDTH / 2 + 100, HEIGHT / 2 + 125, ALPHA_MAX, select_index[1])
def load_language(self, index):
return self.language_list[self.language_mode][index]
return "Font Error"
def load_songData(self):
with open(self.song_dataPath[self.song_select - 1], "r", encoding = 'UTF-8') as data_file:
data_fileLists = data_file.read().split('\n')
for data_line in data_fileLists:
if data_line != "" and data_line[0] != 's':
data_fileList = data_line.split(' - ')
time_list = data_fileList[0].split(':')
shot_list = data_fileList[1].split(', ')
current_songData = list()
current_songData.append(int(time_list[0]) * 60000 + int(time_list[1]) * 1000 + int(time_list[2]) * 10)
for shot in shot_list:
if shot[0] == 'E':
shot_color = -1
elif shot[0] == 'W':
shot_color = 1
elif shot[0] == 'B':
shot_color = 2
elif shot[0] == 'D':
shot_color = 3
shot_color = 4
if shot_color != -1:
if shot[1] == 'D':
shot_mode = 0
elif shot[1] == 'R':
shot_mode = 90
elif shot[1] == 'U':
shot_mode = 180
shot_mode = 270
if shot[2] == 'D':
shot_dir = 0
elif shot[2] == 'R':
shot_dir = 90
elif shot[2] == 'U':
shot_dir = 180
shot_dir = 270
shot_data = (shot_color, shot_mode, shot_dir, int(shot[3]))
shot_data = -1
def create_shot(self):
if self.game_tick >= self.song_data[self.song_dataIndex][0]:
if self.song_data[self.song_dataIndex][1] != -1:
shot_num = len(self.song_data[self.song_dataIndex]) - 1
for shot in range(shot_num):
shot_data = self.song_data[self.song_dataIndex][shot + 1]
obj_shot = Shot(self, shot_data[0], shot_data[1], shot_data[2], shot_data[3])
self.song_dataIndex += 1
if self.score >= self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1]:
with open(self.song_dataPath[self.song_select - 1], "r", encoding = 'UTF-8') as file:
file_lists = file.read().split('\n')
file_list = 'score:' + str(self.score) + ':' + str(self.song_perfectScore[self.song_select - 1]) + '\n'
for shot_file in file_lists:
if shot_file != '' and shot_file[0] != 's':
file_list += '\n' + shot_file
with open(self.song_dataPath[self.song_select - 1], 'w+', encoding = 'UTF-8') as song_file:
self.song_highScore[self.song_select - 1] = self.score
self.screen_value[1] = 1
def draw_sprite(self, coord, spr, alpha = ALPHA_MAX, rot = 0):
if rot == 0:
self.screen.blit(spr, (round(coord[0]), round(coord[1])))
rotated_spr = pg.transform.rotate(spr, rot)
self.screen.blit(rotated_spr, (round(coord[0] + spr.get_width() / 2 - rotated_spr.get_width() / 2), round(coord[1] + spr.get_height() / 2 - rotated_spr.get_height() / 2)))
def draw_text(self, text, size, color, x, y, alpha = ALPHA_MAX, boldunderline = False):
font = pg.font.Font(self.gameFont, size)
font = pg.font.Font(os.path.join(self.fnt_dir, DEFAULT_FONT), size)
text_surface = font.render(text, True, color)
text_rect = text_surface.get_rect()
text_rect.midtop = (round(x), round(y))
if (alpha == ALPHA_MAX):
self.screen.blit(text_surface, text_rect)
surface = pg.Surface((len(text) * size, size + 20))
surface.blit(text_surface, pg.Rect(0, 0, 10, 10))
self.screen.blit(surface, text_rect)
class Spritesheet:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.spritesheet = pg.image.load(filename).convert()
def get_image(self, x, y, width, height):
image = pg.Surface((width, height))
image.blit(self.spritesheet, (0,0), (x, y, width, height))
return image
class Shot(pg.sprite.Sprite): ####################################### Shot Class
def __init__(self, game, color, mode, direction, speed): #color(WBDR) mode(DRUL) direction(DRUL)
self.game = game
self.color = color
self.mode = mode
self.direction = direction
self.speed = speed
self.alpha = ALPHA_MAX
self.correct_code = [1, 2, 3, 4]
self.correct = 0
image = self.game.spr_shot.get_image((color - 1) * 45, 0, 45, 61)
if self.mode == 0:
self.image = pg.transform.rotate(image, 270)
self.touch_coord = (round(- self.image.get_width() / 2), round(23 - self.image.get_height() / 2))
elif self.mode == 90:
self.image = image
self.touch_coord = (round(23 - self.image.get_width() / 2), round(- self.image.get_height() / 2))
elif self.mode == 180:
self.image = pg.transform.rotate(image, 90)
self.touch_coord = (round(- self.image.get_width() / 2), round(-23 - self.image.get_height() / 2))
self.image = pg.transform.rotate(image, 180)
self.touch_coord = (round(-23 - self.image.get_width() / 2), round(- self.image.get_height() / 2))
self.image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x, self.rect.y = round(WIDTH / 2), round(HEIGHT / 2)
if self.direction == 0:
self.rect.y += round(WIDTH / 2 + 100)
elif self.direction == 90:
self.rect.x += round(WIDTH / 2 + 100)
elif self.direction == 180:
self.rect.y -= round(WIDTH / 2 + 100)
self.rect.x -= round(WIDTH / 2 + 100)
self.rect.x += self.touch_coord[0]
self.rect.y += self.touch_coord[1]
def update(self):
if self.alpha > 0:
if self.correct == 1:
self.alpha -= ALPHA_MAX / 5
if self.correct == -1:
self.alpha -= ALPHA_MAX / 85
if self.direction == 0:
self.rect.y -= self.speed
elif self.direction == 90:
self.rect.x -= self.speed
elif self.direction == 180:
self.rect.y += self.speed
self.rect.x += self.speed
if self.rect.x > WIDTH * 2 or self.rect.x < -WIDTH or self.rect.y > HEIGHT * 2 or self.rect.y < -HEIGHT:
if self.correct == 0 and self.rect.x == round(WIDTH / 2) + self.touch_coord[0] and self.rect.y == round(HEIGHT / 2) + self.touch_coord[1]:
if self.game.circle_dir == self.correct_code[round(self.mode / 90 - self.color + 1)]:
self.game.score += 100
self.correct = 1
if self.color == 1:
elif self.color == 2:
elif self.color == 3:
self.correct = -1
game = Game()
while game.running:
소스 코드는 깃허브에서도 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
아래는 커스텀 곡을 생성하는 방법입니다.
1. 일단 추가할 음원 파일을 구해 'song'폴더에 추가합니다. 확장자가 mp3, wav, ogg중 하나라면 문제없이 동작합니다.
2. 그 후, 메모장을 열어 다음 양식에 맞게 파일을 작성해 주세요.
색: W, B, D, R - 하양, 파랑, 검정, 빨강
방향 및 회전(부채꼴 꼭지점 기준): D, R, U, L - 아래, 오른쪽, 위, 왼쪽
속도 - 틱당 픽셀
위 양식을 지켜 주셔야 에러없이 게임 플레이가 가능합니다! 띄워쓰기와 빈칸을 주의해 주세요!
해당 시간에 입력된 데이터(색, 회전, 방향, 속도)에 맞게 투사체가 생성됩니다.
불가능한 패턴을 입력하셔도 되지만... 그럼 최고 점수는 영원히 못받겠죠? 최고점수를 자동 계산하도록 추가하는 것이 귀찮(?)아 사용자가 베스트 스코어 값 옆에 직접 계산해 적어 주셔야 합니다. 게임에 큰 영향을 끼치는 것이 아니므로 대충 적으셔도 상관은 없습니다...
마지막, 끝나는 타임에 'END'를 추가해 주셔야 게임이 끝납니다!
게임 폴더 속 make_songData.py란 프로그램을 사용하면 쉽게 커스텀 곡을 만들 수 있습니다. 서클의 회전값(방향키)과 투사체 회전값(왼쪽 클릭), 방향(오른쪽 클릭)을 지정하면 해당하는 문자열로 변환해 콘솔과 화면에 출력해주는 프로그램입니다.
화면 사선 분할 알고리즘이 필요하신분은 뜯어보셔두...
그럼 전 다음 프로젝트로 찾아오겠습니다!
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